Supercuts — Brand Refresh
I led the visual rebrand for the nation’s favorite salon chain, tasked with updating the brand at all touch points while staying true to their DNA. I worked on everything from website design to billboards, but my proudest achievement was personally scouting more than half of the models as part of our intensive process to find a fresh and diverse cast. I also led wardrobe styling, prop direction, and the updated photography style.
We shot over 8000 photos of 18 models in 36 looks over 5 days for imagery used across print, out-of-home, digital, and large-scale signage for all 2700 Supercuts locations across 50 States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. The project was a doozy, but gave me a new found appreciation for texturizing spray and strong hairlines.

Art Director: Stephanie Johnson
Photographer: Kat Borchart